Feedback from beneficiaries

A farmer from Bugesera District, Rilima Sector, Nyabagendwa Cell, Cyomo, in his testimony explained that he is happy and thankful to the project because they have given seedlings based on their needs. He also mentioned that he will maintain the planted trees in good way and he except to make money from them and he considers the planted trees as a good heritage to his descendants. And he noted that the trees helped them to control erosion on their land and nuts are helpful of the eradication of malnutrition at home and reduces the non-communicable disease.

Mrs Janviere is living in Ngoma District, Zaza sector, Ruhembe Cell, has planted macadamia seedlings. She is expecting to get money from those nuts and is expecting to eradicate poverty and malnutrition as well as school fees payment of her children.

In general, macadamia tree nursery bed project beneficiaries are happy and enjoy to plant trees in their land, because they actually know the importance of planting the macadamia tree.

Feedback from District

The Mayor of Rulindo District, the District forestry and natural resources officer, Cash crops officer, JADF officer appreciate the macadamia tree nursery project and their request is to spread the project in more sectors than it is. They hope to fight erosion through this project and to fight against malnutrition in rural area. They request to keep on increasing the number of macadamia trees.